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"Three Hearts"

"Three Hearts"


Three Hearts by Nikki Taylor:

Intelligent, Curious, 9 Brains and 3 Hearts. How much more inspiration does one need to draw this beautiful creature? Thus the inspiration behind the meticulous ink drawing of “Three Hearts” by Nikki Taylor.


Product Details:

This print is unframed. Need help finding the right frame for your art prints? Checkout our framed art prints page for recommendations & visualizations for your home


Materials: Printed and hand cut in-house on archival quality, fade resistant linen paper


Shipping: Prints size 8x10 including matte/11x14 including matte and below will be packaged in a clear cello sleeve, backed by a 22pt chipboard sheet, inside a flat biodegradable extra-rigid fiberboard photo/document mailer and shipped via USPS.

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